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Civil War Monument, Iowa Capitol Grounds

Dinner Reservations

Delicious selections await you. You can expect hearty fare and generous portions served family style. The menu varies and may include beef, pork, chicken, or fish. To see typical choices, click on the Banquet Menu. Meal prices average about $23.50 Food selection at special events varies but is equally delectable but may be priced differently.

Visitors are always welcome. To ensure a place at dinner, please make advance reservations. You may call or mail reservations by the date indicated below. If you don't include your payment with your reservation you may bring cash or a check to the meeting. Make checks payable to the Des Moines Civil War Roundtable.

Next Meeting: November 6, 2024

Entrees Served -- TBA
Reservation Deadline -- November 3, 2024

CALL 515-491-3626 for more information; payment is due on the date above by check or in person by cash or check.
MAIL reservations and payment to Ron Nurmi, 1424 E. Walnut Street #4, Des Moines, Iowa 50316.

>> Please allow at least three days for mailed reservations to arrive. If you're not sure your request will arrive on time, call instead. You may send an email for information as well.

Mail-in Dinner Reservation Form

Please make check payable to the Des Moines Civil War Roundtable. Send to: Ron Nurmi, 1424 E. Walnut Street #4, Des Moines, IA 50316.

___________ Number of Dinners @ $23.50
___________ Total amount enclosed



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